Often times it is useful when designing small power electronics to measure the power consumed by different subsections of a circuit. As such this project is to design a test fixture that can measure and log power of many different components in a larger circuit that may be at different voltages.
This project is to design and test a hardware fixture capable of accurately measuring current and voltage on a minimum of eight channels and the associated software. The solution shall be able to log measurements to onboard memory and stream the data to a companion computer program in near real time. The solution must not alter the circuit it is measuring in a significant way (e.g. can't be measuring voltage through a series resistor). The measured voltage range shall be between 1mV and 5V and the measured current range between 1nA and 1A with resolution varying between which measurement range is being used, but no less than 1 part per thousand in each range (e.g. when measuring in a 1uA range the resolution would be 1nA).
Basic knowledge about analog circuit design such as current mirrors and switching power regulators would be very useful for EEs on this project.
This project is to design and test a hardware fixture capable of accurately measuring current and voltage on a minimum of eight channels and the associated software. The solution shall be able to log measurements to onboard memory and stream the data to a companion computer program in near real time. The solution must not alter the circuit it is measuring in a significant way (e.g. can't be measuring voltage through a series resistor). The measured voltage range shall be between 1mV and 5V and the measured current range between 1nA and 1A with resolution varying between which measurement range is being used, but no less than 1 part per thousand in each range (e.g. when measuring in a 1uA range the resolution would be 1nA).
Basic knowledge about analog circuit design such as current mirrors and switching power regulators would be very useful for EEs on this project.